This activity provides an interesting and creative electronics learning experience for the participants. Participants are invited to get to know simple electronic components and learn how to make basic electronic circuits. Through this activity, participants understand the working principles of batteries, LEDs, and how to connect these components in a circuit. Participants also learn to create parallel and series circuits, exploring how changing a circuit’s configuration affects its output.
This activity not only increases understanding of electronics, but also develops problem-solving skills and creativity. After participants learn how to assemble simple circuits, then participants are invited to explore the story and find solutions to the problems contained in the story by creating works that involve a series of simple circuits.
This activity is suitable for all ages, providing participants with the opportunity to experiment and learn about electronics in a practical and fun way.
The following is a summary of the sequence of Electronics activities
2. Skill Builder: Membuat Sirkuit Sederhana:
Peserta belajar membuat sirkuit menggunakan Playdough yang dapat menghantarkan listrik, serta memahami konsep sirkuit.
5. Diskusi dan Refleksi:
Mengadakan sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi untuk memperdalam pemahaman tentang elektronika dan pengalaman yang didapat selama kegiatan.
Workshop ini dirancang untuk membangun pemahaman dasar elektronika sambil mendorong kreativitas dan eksplorasi di antara peserta.
1. Skill Builder: Pengenalan Elektronika
Pada tahap ini peserta diperkenalkan pada konsep dasar elektronika, termasuk penjelasan tentang baterai dan LED.
3. Skill Builder: Eksplorasi Sirkuit Seri dan Paralel:
Peserta mengeksplorasi perbedaan antara sirkuit seri dan paralel, serta dampaknya pada kecerahan LED.
4. Tinker Time:
Peserta mengeksplorasi cerita, menemukan masalah yang terdapat dalam cerita, lalu mencari solusi terhadap masalah tersebut dengan melakukan eksperimen, mengganti konfigurasi sirkuit dan mengamati perubahannya.