STEAM ECE: Developing a STEAM approach for Early Childhood Education in Indonesia

Introduction to the program

The aims:
1) Building programme capacity for Early Childhood pre-service and educator teachers.
2) Developing knowledge, skills, and mindsets in teaching STEAM.
3) Development of training model and resources.
4) Builds on earlier research (MakEY) and Maker{Futures} works.

Our Team

Get to know about the programme

What is STEAM?

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths.

What is Making?

Using a STEAM approach to develop 21st century skills and mindsets through making.

How do you think like a maker?

ID & UK Curriculum contexts

•  A merging of ideas
•  UK - bottom up approach
•  ID - Top down approach
•  How we co-designed the module

1. Examined each countries approach to ECE
2. Finding similarities and differences
3. Responded to needs analysis

Let's jump to Some examples of STEAM Project for Early Childhood Education

1. Scrappy selfies

Getting to know each other

•  Explore; everyday items.
•  Tinker; Arrange items together to make a face or selfie. This could be abstract.
•  Discuss; Tell others on your table about yourself

2. Electronics

•  Explore a story (find the problem)
•  Skill development (simple circuit)
•  Creating tools for little hands
•  Project time

3. Skill building: Cardboard

•  Skill builder (cutting & joining)
•  explore a story (find the problem)
•  tinkering time activity set by us

4. Storybook Exploration

• Explore a story (find the problem or project)
• Tinkering time activity set by us
• Incorporate cardboard (and electronics)

5. Fabric

• Explore a range of possible stimulus
• Skill builder
• Tinkering time developed in groups
• Show and tell

That's all our stories!